Apartamentele noastre
Apartamentul de lux Maria 2 zona Hotel Iaki
Fotografii in detaliu ale apartamentului
Rezervari Online, garantate prin card bancar, pentru o oferta personalizata va rugam sa ne contactati pe email sau telefonic, avem nevoie de datele de sosire si plecare pentru a va comunica tariful per noapte per apartament
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Telefon : 0721 22 22 92
Capacitate de cazare maxim 4 turisti.
Tarifele difera in functie de durata sejurului, perioada pentru care sa solicita rezervarea apartamentului dar si de numarul de persoane.
Pentru a primi o oferta personalizata va rugam sa ne contactati pe mail sau telefonic.
Apartament de lux suprafata 95 mp cu 2 camere baie si bucatarie complet utilat ce ofera cazare in regim hotelier pentru maxim 4 turisti fiind situat in Statiunea Mamaia pe malul lacului Siudghiol in partea centrala a Statiunii Mamaia vis a vis de Hotelul Iaki.
Apartamentul de lux Maria Residence din Statiunea Mamaia este disponibil pentru inchirieri in regim hotelier in sezon si extrasezon in timpul verii cit si in timpul iernii.
Apartamentul Maria se afla intr-o vila turistica construita in anul 2010 in Statiunea Mamaia este pozitionat in centrul Statiunii in imediata apropiere a Cazinoului si a Hotelului Rex.
Distanta pina la plaja se parcurge pe jos in 2 minute.
Apartamentul de lux Maria se afla la etajul 2 este dotat si asigura tot confortul pentru cazarea in regim hotelier sau turistic pentru cei ce doresc sa inchirieze camere in apartamente, garsoniere, pensiuni, vile, moteluri, hosteluri si hoteluri in Statiunea Mamaia in timpul sezonului estival dar si in extrasezon, apartamentul fiind locatia ideala pentru cazare in regim hotelier sau in regim tranzit ori gazda pentru turism de afaceri, team building, sejururi scurte, fiind situat intr-un bloc rezidential unde accesul se face prin cartele magnetice.
Conditiile de care va dispune turistul in Apartamentul de lux Maria din Statiunea Mamaia sunt :
1.Bucataria - dotata cu : aragaz, expresor de cafea, cuptor, cuptor microunde, combina frigorifica, tacamuri si vesela necesara prepararii mancarii.
2.Baia dotata cu : grupuri sanitare si mobilier nou, apa rece si apa calda non stop, prosoape, sapun, feon.
3.Camera de zi - dotata cu : aer conditionat, canapea extensibila, LCD TV 81 CM, lenjeria de pat aferenta, perne, internet.
4.Camera de noapte - dotata cu : aer conditionat, pat dublu confortabil, lenjeria de pat aferenta, perne, dulap pentru depozitarea hainelor, umerase, feon, fier si masa de calcat.
5.Terasa orienata catre lacul Siudghiol dotata cu masa si scaune pentru servirea micului dejun.
Apartamentul are asigurat un loc de parcare.
Accesul cu animale de companie este interzis.
Cazare Mamaia 2011, Apartamente de vacanta Vila Maria Residence
Holliday in Mamaia 2011, Apartaments Vila Maria Residence
Accommodation services in Constanta and Mamaia Resort, We offers fully equipped kitchen, privacy and discretion, earlier check in and late check out, up to 6 people per apartment, more space in confort than a hotel room. Holiday rentals in Constanta Mamaia, cheap vacation, offers for rent in Romania BEST offers for rent online properties private : cheapest luxury holiday, temporary apartments in private , short lets accommodation in beautiful vacation flats - business class studios in downtown / central area Constanta - Mamaia, for rent in private system temporary apartments with 1 - 4 rooms. Vacation flat and holiday studio in central location , perfect accommodation for couples who want to visit Constanta Or Mamaia Resort and stay in the best temporary apartments in the city centre, close to Constanta night life and fine Mamaia restaurants.
To communicate rates for the period in which you want to spend his vacation in the seaside resort of Mamaia and Constanta, please contact us by E-mail: vacanta@cazare-mamaia-constanta.ro .
A 3-star apartment with two bath rooms and fully equipped kitchen that provides temporary housing for up to five tourists. Located in the entrance of Mamaia Constanta.
Constanta apartment is available for hotel rentals in season and during the summer season as well as in winter.
Apartment is located in the North Ciresica Tomis Constanta Mamaia resort close to campus and Ovid.
Distance from the apartment and up to Mamaia charging station is 1.2 km and up the beach from the Hotel Perla - Aqua Magic is 1.5 km and up through the car and walk two minutes to 10-12 minutes .
Constanta apartment is one floor and features all the comfort for a hotel or tourist accommodation for those wishing to rent rooms in apartments, hostels, cottages, motels, hostels and hotels in Constanta during the summer season but in low season, the ideal apartment for temporary housing or transit or host system for business travel, team building, short stays, is situated in a block of flats where access is by magnetic cards.
Conditions upon which the cutter apartment tourists from Tomis Constanta North Ciresica area are:
Kitchen with refrigerator, stove, hood, microwave, coffee maker, toaster, cutlery and utensils necessary for preparing food.
Bath room: bathrooms and new furniture, give automatic washing machine, hot and cold water round the clock, towels, soap.
Living room equipped with air conditioning, double bed couch, two armchairs, wireless Internet, TV, bed linen, pillows.
Room night room: comfortable bed, bedding, pillows, wardrobe for storing clothes, hangers, iron and ironing board, needle kit and threads, hair dryer.
The balcony has a length of 3.5 meters and is oriented north and bring intimacy tourists.
In the apartments there at your disposal for leisure: playing cards, chess, rummy, backgammon, specific objects season (coils of different sizes, shapes and sand buckets, blades Badminton, mats, cushions, inflatable beach bag, pump air, water pistols)
Apartment has a parking space.
Access to pets is prohibited.